Wednesday, 21 March 2007

OSX 10.4.9 upgrade loginwindow crash

Mac OSX 10.4.9 upgrade led to loginwindow crash.
Repeatedly put you back at login window after you type your password in.
Safe boot made no difference.
This is a new intel powerbook pro model - from about jan07.

crashreporter showed loginwindow crashing.

Solution: Remove users keychain file!!!!!
Tried all the other things first though - you know: remove user preferences, delete user Caches
delete System/Caches and System/Library/Caches

This seems to have been a problem that nobody else has identified - may be unique to this box.
Was set up by using the import/migration from a powerpc based unit during system set up.

Perhaps this should go on macfixit or macintouch or apple proper.

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